Monday, October 31, 2005

Sooo much to do

Man October was a crazy month...soooooo much happened.....but with the help of my Awesome God (who is the one and only) I pulled through....

all you prayers out there can i ask you to keep me up in prayers...I was chatting to God on the weekend and he said the tough stuff isn't over yet, there is more he needs me to go through ... but I'm sure the end result is worth it.... and I am willing to go through it....

especially cause he prepared me by giving some sweet as verses....Psal18: 29 With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall....and also 1 cor 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it....

Prob a wall i gotta scale is assessment ...6 assignments this week and 5 next week for TAFE, I have a pack of leadership homework to do for a mission trip I'm assisting n leading, and also a pack of pre-candidate assessments for salvo training college....crazy load but hey with my God I can scale a wall :)...

The Battle is Good.....wouldn't be anywhere else :)

-Be Strong and Courageous-


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Run the Race

I have another Analogy.... sometimes I just make up weird analogies's a thing I do

You guys all know how in the Philipians 3 Paul uses the analogy that life is like a race...stay focused on the goal and all that...

well...I was thinking that the race of life is a bit like a decathlon...sometimes there are hurdles to get over, sometimes endurance testers (the long run), Sometimes there is a height to jump that seems humanly impossible (Pole Vault) but when you rely on God and go for it is so possible....

Then I was thinking about life and marriage...all of a sudden you are bound to another person and life becomes a three-legged need to communicate to make sure each step is in time with the others, keeping focused on the goal.....

but what happens when the hurdles come....anyone every seen a three-legged hurdle race? neither.....and what about a three-legged pole vault????

hats off to all you couples out there running a three-legged race....I pray that God would strength your relationship, that you would keep in step with each other and with Jesus, and that you will step up to the challenge and soar with Jesus...

-Be Strong and Courageous-


Sunday, October 23, 2005

A long week...and an analogies

Man has it been a Loooong week.. I feel like it has just been junk on top of junk on top of junk.... a good friend passed away, another friend was scheduled in for an abortion twice (but it hasn't gone through, pray with me that the baby would live and there would be a healing in my friends life), a brick was thrown by an angry client at work and shattered an apparently unshatterable window and a whole tonne more....

But the week ended pretty well cause We took the Youth from my Church away for camp..and I found there is something about fellowship with other believers that just drains away the strain... also just digging into the word and claiming God's protection... Good stuff.... when I sat with God and looked at all that had happened, cried a bit I felt so much more on top of things, kinda like a soaring above the storms....

The camp was at the Farm Today I was down by the creek chatting to Jesus, and when we finished I had to get back to the shed...there was two ways I could of gone, one was a for sure way, down the creek bank through the gate then follow the edge of the paddock to the shed, the other was a bit dubious the shed was about 50m across this paddock ther was just a gully and a fence in the way... I got through the gully but couldn't get passed the fence so had to go back down through the gate...

I was thinking about how sometimes in life there is something right in front of us that we can see and we want and sometimes it is even something God has promised us, and it is really frustrating cause it is right there in front of us but there are blockages in the way and we need to take a longer path to get to them....but when we get there we are in one piece...

I want to say a huge thanks to my prayer support out there, you guys are awesome.

-Be Strong and Courageous-


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Privileged to be Tired

I've just got back from YOS school camp... If you don't know YOS is Youth Outreach Service, my work place, a salvo youth drop-in centre for kids living and hanging out in inner-city Brisbane....we also run three flexi-school sites for kids disengaged from mainstream school (dropped out or expelled).....

What a privilege to go on camp....It was see a bunch of kids challenge themselves and push themselves beyond what they thought they could bear....

one kid said 'I feel more confident'

another decided to go on and finish grade 11 & 12 instead of settling with a grade 10 certificate...

heaps of them overcame fears....

it was amazing....we got to do a low ropes course, High ropes course, challenege activities, a hike up a gorge (very steep gorge, took us about 6 hrs to do a 5km hike), a 7km canoe ride (with fallen trees as obstacles), we slept in a run down shack on a cow paddock (and ad possums visit us in the night), climbed trees and just had an amazing time....

but the best thing was to see the kids confidence hear the stories and see hope, plans and future grow in them........Jesus I pray you would secure these plans please don't let the enemy steal their futures....

the only down side is the amount of sleep I got....or didn't get.....but hey It was worth it..... These kids now know they can do it.....They have strategies to overcome fears .....all I can say is WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIEEEE...

and on that note I think I really need to get some sleep.....

-Be Strong and Courageous-


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Too Old to use the excuse I'm Too Young...

Just a quick note tonight...

I am coming to the realisation that I am getting a little too old to use the excuse I'm too young... I'm only 21 but I have been using that excuse for way too long....and if I keep believing it i'll be 99 and still saying 'but I'm too young'

not that being too young has ever stopped me doing anything much... but the first query that pops into my head when I step out is 'Relle you are way too young to do that'.... hmm...

it's probably the enemy's scheme a way to stop me.... (writing down your thoughts really helps ya find things out eh?).....

Jesus, Thanks that I haven't believed him...often

-Be Strong and Courageous-


Saturday, October 01, 2005

Does money Grow on Trees?

I saw Charlie and the Chocolate factory at the movies today... Charlies' grandpa made this quote

'There's plenty of money out there they print more everyday'

He said it when Charlie decided he wanted to sell his Golden Ticket to help the family Financially ... Grandpa said it making the point that Charlie should take the once in a life time opportunity and the family would get by as they always had...

I look at what I have done over the last few years...and yeah I have been overseas a fair bit...and spent a bit of money on seems eveytime I have a decent amount in my savings account I empty it on my next trip.........but would I give up those experiences to have a decent saving account way

This may sound a lil' irresponsible....

But I think I just have a different Value system from the Norm...

I'm the Daughter of the King....a child of Christ since I am a Christian God has adopted me as his very own child.....which means I have access to all the riches of the world...not only financial....

God has looked after me so many times before....each time I have stepped out and said I will take the next challenge on bored....he has provided me with funds from the most random places ...he has enabled me to live on little and save heaps .....and so many friends of mine who have taken on God's challenges recently have also been given huge donations towards their trips....

I seriously have no right not to trust God with my money....he has shown his faithfullness soo many times

I've never been without ....God Delights in looking after me......and he will look after you too

-Be Strong and Courageous-
