Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Lately I have been thinking how privileged I am in my Freedom.....

on my camping expedition last week there were 3 of us all girls .... we didn't even think about if it was safe or not, we just so many countries women can't even walk the streets by themselve let alone camp....we even unzipped the tent and stuck our heads out to sleep under the stars.......................Thanks Jesus for freedom

I was at the local Park this morning and while walking round the park I was praying the bible... How awesome is it that I own not only one bible but 3 or 4 (I heard that there are some Salvation Army Officers in Papua New Guinea who can't afford a bible?!?!?).....Also I have the freedom to walk around in public praying it...I don't have to hide my bible I can whip it out anytime I want...I can even where it on my shirt!!!!......Thanks Jesus for Freedom

also.....God has provided....I have all the funds for the next overseas mission he is sending me on......I have stopped worrying if he will provide....of course he will...If he asked me to go he will get me there......I just keep an eye out how he is going to do it each time... this time he used the Australian Tax Department........sweet eh?


-Be Strong and Courageous-


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