Sunday, November 27, 2005

Lessons Learnt

Be careful what you pray eh!..

I've been away at schoolies (for those over in Nth America you guys call it spring break) ... end of yr 12 big week-long party....30 000 17yr olds ....we had 400-500 (can't remember) HC's...christians who live in the hotels for a week, build relationships with the kids and are there for them when they are in situations they can't handle...or just want a chat..... we had over 100 salvations ....Praise Jesus.....

But before I went I prayed that God would teach me more about leadership and who I am in leadership.... (I'm heading out to Fiji in 27 days as a leader for a team of 10-12yr olds spreading the word of Jesus...Hooray)...for the first day I was leading a team of 4 HC's (until their leader got there) I was like yeah this is when God will teach me......but was when I was on another team....submitting to a leader that I learnt the lessons....

My leaders style of leadership was different from mine...and there is absolutely nothing wrong with all the issues where my own ( U where a great leader buddy)....

I think I finally started getting it.....That I don't always know best an there are other ways to get a fantastic result...It doesn't always have to be Relle's way....(not that everything i do has a fantastic result either, that sounded really prideful)

You only need to confronting authority on only really important issue....choosing your battles and checking your motives... Standing up for injustice...not petty little things

I also know I like to bend rules a little....but it was kewl cause my leader was also a friend of I totally felt I couldn't bend them cause I knew was so hard...but I think I was good....

and part of that is as a leader having the integrity to stick by the organisations rules...The organisation I am going to Fiji with are huge on rules (some toally wacked) this is a good lesson....and one I hope to be found faithful in

Also being a team member instead of leader showed me the things a member looks for in a leader...things that will so help me as a leader

and it was sweet...cause I learnt the lessons now in a safety net of friends.....

could you guys keep me in your prayers...whenever I step up to a task I get hit with feelings of inadeqaucy ...and I sooo feel like this with Fiji.... but i spose that cool, cause I know I can't do this... but I also know ' I am the vines, you (God) are the branches when I abide in you and you in me it brings forth good fruit, but without you I can do nothing'.....(Relle's version)

Thanks Jesus for your Grace

-Be Strong and Courageous-


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