Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Africa In Australia

Sorry guys, been way too long

JUst a quick post tonight...

I have a new 'Thing'...It is to make Africa in Australia......to live a life of expectancy...the kind of expectancy I live when "on the mission field" (when I am in a developing country, cause I am on the mission field here in Aus too) but here at home......to Pray for the sick, seek guidance in everything and to make sure I am building into and encouraging those around me daily ....too be looking for the ways God is answeing my prayers...

I have the flu at the moment ...been praying t away (it's what I did in Fiji),...and it is half gone...kinda weird half the symptoms stayed around half went......don't really know why....but God is still a great God

I have no Idea if this makes sense.....there is mucus blocking the communication from my head to my fingers.....

hope all is going well for y'all

-Be Strong and Courageous-



Denise said...

Hi there. I decided this morning to click on your blog from ArmyBarmy. Its interesting to now know of 2 other past War College students who have worked with Teen Missions. Now you know where Bonus Blessings come from!! ;) I actually spent last summer - before War College - with the Teen team in Ecuador.
Its a small world.

bec said...

Hey Relle! Nice to see you blogging again. And yes I do understand what you mean. I have been thinking about you lots while I have been here and have a new admiration for you staying in Aus. It can't always be easy. So keep it up hun, and keep being the awesome woman of God that you are. I pray for you regularly.