Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Driver's Ed Evangelism

I have an awesome God.....he makes it sooooo easy to tell people about him......if you don't believe me just try it......

The last few days I have been asking God to lead me in convo's with clients at work....and two days in a row I have been in Driver's Ed group sessions and the conversation has turned into full on God has been sweet....who would of thought Driver's Ed is an evangelism tool.....

none of the kids have totally bought into God....yet.....

If you are into formula's there ain't one for evangelism....

..but what God has been doing for me in the last few days is..... I ask for the opportunity, I look for the opportunity and I am bold enough to take the opportunity when it comes...

it's cool and there is nothing better than to share God with someone....

Don't Take Care, Take Risks

-Be Strong and Courageous-



bec said...

Ahh, Relle, I love it. Keep going strong and loving those kids with the only real love that makes a difference. And pass on my love to them as well. God is awesome!

Sarvesh said...

Bless You!
